Monday, March 23, 2009

CeCe, RN, OR.

So I have a real job now.  It is a huge blessing and I wasn't sure it'd come but I finally have real employment.  I was working as a secretary at an outpatient surgery center and after no hospitals were offering me a job they decided to hire me to work in the OR as a nurse.  I actually did my senior preceptorship in the OR so I have as much experience as a new graduate can have.  I am so thankful to be working there and I can see the Lord making it possible, starting from my original employment there 5 years ago.  I loved being in the OR as a student but some benefits of me actually working are: money, regular hours (M-F, 7-3:30), and health insurance.  Yeah!  I'm totally stoked.  To celebrate my employment I'm going to Florida tomorrow to visit some friends.  Love taking time off before you even work.  Sadly, with this I'm thinking I might have to change my title.  No longer am I unemployed or living at home.  Dang.  I'd say my next post will be about my new digs but I have yet to take a picture and I'll probably wait until I actually put stuff away in my room.  Life is so awesome!  (Oh yeah, they call me CeCe at work so that's what I'm going to go by in the back.  Nothing better then lots of acronyms!) 


Laura Bain said...

Way to make me proud CeCe! :)



Chrissy said...

Congrats Cec!!! That's so great! You are WAY more adult than me... I've yet to move out or get a job. I'm so excited for you and I want you to get some pics up of the new place!

AmyCurtis said...

How exactly does one pronounce "CeCe"? The OR, thats really cool. Congrats on the job -- especially now with the economy as it is. Wow, to make more than $3.50 an hour! (those are the big bucks I make these days -- I know, I know, you wish we could switch places, don't you?) What more could you ask for, eh, Cec?

Jenny said...

We're so excited for you! Sounds like life couldn't get any better at the moment! Remember to call and update me on ALL the happenings in your life! You know what I mean! Take care! We're excited to see you! Write a blog about Florida!

Lauren said...

Googled you and found your blog. Sorry I never called you back...figured this is just the way it's going to be, unfortunately. So happy for you and your new CAREER! I find it funny that we both ended up with the same initials after our names...Stop by my blog some time and leave me a message. I miss you and wish we were closer.

Lauren Krogh/Lewis

Lauren said...

Guess I should leave my blog address, eh?

Amanda said...

hey! it's been forever- how are you? congrats on the OR- that's where i'm starting in september & i'm super excited :) hope everything is going well!

Erica said...

I didn't know you had a blog - sweet! I love it


THE GROWS said...

Hey Cecilie, This is Emily. How are you? Your sister Melissa gave me your blog. Looks like life is going really great for you.